Body positivity - the art of making friends with your body

Body Positivity – die Kunst, Freundschaft mit seinem Körper zu schließen

Ideals are a beautiful thing. They inspire us to stand up for our convictions. They can encourage us to act constructively, as individuals and as a community. For example, when we make an effort to treat the environment responsibly. Then we are prepared to do something about it, for example to demonstrate, to give up meat or flights. It requires energy and discipline - but we know that it is well spent: It's time well spent.

Ideals of beauty, on the other hand, can be questioned with a clear conscience. Because striving for them serves no purpose. On the contrary: it excludes us and makes us unhappy. One reason why there is resistance. It is the body-positive movement, which strives for body acceptance and self-love. It is making its rounds on social media and is reflected in photos of flab and wrinkles that are proudly and lovingly staged.

If you want to be beautiful, you don't have to do anything!

One prominent follower and advocate of body positivity is actress, author and director Lena Dunham. She posted two photos of herself on Instagram with a difference of eleven kilos between them. And not to show a diet success, but to celebrate her liberation from an ideal of thinness. She wrote on the post: "I only lived on small amounts of sugar, tons of coffee and medication. I was constantly getting compliments from men and was on the cover of a magazine about dieting. But I was sick. Physically and mentally."

Resistance is also forming in Germany: 42-year-old PR manager Melanie Jeske from Hamburg became famous with her Instagram account under the name "Melodie Michelberger" and is considered the pioneer of the body positive movement. She posts photos of herself, showing a cheerful, round, self-confident woman with a passion for fashion who deliberately ignores the slimming dictates and refuses to be told what should be beautiful.

Courage to love yourself

We say: it is courageous and encouraging to resist the beauty dictates you have learned in order to finally feel comfortable in your body. To look at yourself kindly, not only to accept your individuality, but to appreciate it. Be a friend to yourself. And that means, according to Elbert Hubbard: "A friend is someone who likes you even though they know you!". So: start liking yourself. Do something for your well-being, not for your pleasure. We are happy to support you with our products on your own personal journey.