Well-armed throughout the year:
Organic nutrients for a strong immune system
If you were to say something about vitamins, your first impulse would probably be "We need vitamin C for our immune system!" This statement is as true as it is important: if our daily diet lacks vitamin C, our body's defenses can no longer run at full strength. But did you know that many other nutrients are constantly at work for your immune system? There are zinc and selenium, for example, which also support the protect cells from oxidative stressas well as iron, which together with vitamin C oxygen transport in the blood in the blood. Vitamin D3 and B12 are also essential for good immune function - the very nutrients that are often under-represented in our diet. Not to forget valuable bioflavonoidswhich plants use as protective substances against predators and which also have essential functions in the human organism.
A balanced, wholesome diet with the recommended 5 portions of fresh fruit and vegetables a day can certainly cover the need for all these building blocks. But hand on heart: can you manage that every day? Stress and environmental pollution also gnaw away at the body's own nutrient reserves, although this is precisely when the need is particularly high.
The certified organic, vegan, GMO-free and lactose-free food supplements from GSE can specifically balance the nutrient levels. We deliberately avoid unnecessary synthetic vitamins and additives - our source is plants, which the body recognizes as natural food and therefore utilizes very well.
These GSE products make the immune system fit for all the challenges of everyday life: