Grün, ja grün sind alle meine ... Zimmer!

Green, yes green are all my ... rooms!

Plants are not only beautiful, they also have a positive effect on mood, can improve the indoor climate by filtering pollutants from the air and thus also ensure a better night's sleep.
Ein guter Morgen für einen besseren Morgen

A good morning for a better tomorrow

Do you know the hectic rush after getting up? Quickly brush your teeth, get in the shower, get dressed and off you go. There's a better way: a morning routine provides new momentum.
Gewitzt geschwitzt – Die Sauna

Sweating profusely - The sauna

The Finns have been going to the sauna for more than 1000 years. Once or twice a week they sweat in one of their 1.4 million wooden huts. What's it like in Germany?
Expedition zum Ich

Expedition to the self

Who am I, what defines me, what values and goals do I have? Finding answers to these questions opens the door to a life in which we feel completely genuine, connected and good.
Hautpflege von innen

Skin care from the inside

The skin is our body's largest organ and its protective covering, and it has a lot to do to keep us healthy. We would do well to thank it for this with the care it...

Tired of spring?

Spring is showing its best side, but are you still greeting it with a constant yawn? A few tips will turn it into a joyful "Hello!"
Orthorexie: Wenn gesunde Ernährung zum Zwang wird

Orthorexia: when healthy eating becomes a compulsion

Can a healthy diet make you ill? Yes, says physician and author Steven Bratman. At least when the topic of food increasingly dominates our lives and becomes an obsession. This is called orthorexia.
Body Positivity – die Kunst, Freundschaft mit seinem Körper zu schließen

Body positivity - the art of making friends with your body

Ideals are a beautiful thing. They spur us on to stand up for our convictions. They can encourage us to act constructively, both as individuals and as a community. Ideals of beauty, on the other...
Immer angesagt, auch im Herbst: der Immunschutz

Always on trend, even in fall: immune protection

There are new clothes, it's getting colorful, is it about a new fashion? No, it's about fall! With the cooler weather, it is also advisable to strengthen the immune system. We show you how our...